Market Research and Market Forces Analysis

Assembled using credible quantitative and qualitative research, our market studies will show you exactly which countries, industries and segments to penetrate. We will help you to identify growth markets and a go-to-market strategy to achieve your business objectives.

"Acosphere helped us prepare for our IFFA annual conference and I must say, I’ve never seen a more energised and focused sales team in my history at this company."

Joerg Schmeiser, Product Director, CFS, Netherlands

"The team is more confident after the training when they have to do presentations. The combination of oral presenting and the use of tools such as powerpoint was a tremendous leap for them to have a much easier and more impactful way of doing their presentations."

Pap’ Amadou Ngom, President, S&H Group

"The team building and strategy event, designed and facilitated by Acosphere, (in January 2017) was our best annual retreat since 2009!"

Pape Madiaw N’Diaye, CEO, AFIG FUNDS

"Acosphere’s High Performance Training Programme is about every individual reaching their full potential from a holistic perspective. In terms of management training programmes, it has the most all-encompassing and inspiring formats that I have seen in my career."

Jo Sims, Former HR Director UK & Ireland, Bull Information Systems

"The team has returned not only in peak form, but they are also already smashing sales targets for this quarter. I would recommend this course to anyone who desires a productive workforce or to reawaken its workforce."

Anthonia Opara, HR Manager - Internet Solutions Nigeria

"Gilles’ presentation on leadership has been inspirational. Anybody who has an opportunity to see or interact with Gilles should jump up on the opportunity"

Anthony Bergasse, MD Bergass (Xerox Distribution Group)